Have you been thinking about having a family photo taken? Alicia’s Deals in AZ reader London graciously offered a FREE 8×10 and sitting fee ($158 value) on the East side to one lucky entry!
Here’s how to enter:
1. “Like” London’s Lens on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/LondonsLens. (all entries must do this to win)
2. Send an e-mail to aliciasdealsinaz@gmail.com with SUBSCRIBE/ENTER in the subject line. You’ll get a daily e-mail of all of the best deals in town so you never miss a thing! If you’re already an e-mail subscriber or would rather not get a daily e-mail, just send an e-mail to aliciasdealsinaz@gmail.com with ENTER in the subject line.
3. “Like” or comment on this post at http://www.facebook.com/aliciasdealsinaz.
If you send an e-mail AND “like” or comment on the post, you’ll get 2 entries!
Winner will be selected on Saturday! Good luck!
Never miss a deal! “Like” Alicia’s Deals in AZ on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/aliciasdealsinaz and get a daily Alicia’s Deals in AZ e-mail by sending a message to aliciasdealsinaz@gmail.com with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. Live life better for less!