Save Your Kids’ Teeth and Support the Troops With the Halloween Candy Buyback Program! :-)

I was so excited to see that this program is back this year! Click here for more information about the Halloween Candy buy-back program, one of the best ideas I’ve seen. The way it works is you take the candy your kids collect trick-or-treating and “sell” it to participating dentists (most give $1 a pound, but check with yours to find out their offer). The dentists then ship the candy overseas for the troops. So your children will have a few less cavities, still get something for trick-or-treating, and the troops will feel appreciated. Sounds like a win-win-win!!!

Note: If your dentist isn’t listed as “participating” still check with them. I know of a few offices that are offering the program and aren’t on the list.

Alicia :-)

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