Reminder: It’s the Last Day to Enter Two HOT Alicia’s Deals in AZ Giveaways…Big Surf and Cinderella!

I wanted to remind all of you WONDERFUL Alicia’s Deals in AZ readers about the two giveaways that end TODAY! Win a season pass to Big Surf or 4 tickets to see Cinderella live on stage! Click here for all the details about the Big Surf giveaway, and here for all of the details about the Cinderella giveaway!

To win the Big Surf giveaway, e-mail me at with SUBSCRIBE/ENTER BIG SURF (you’ll get an e-mail with all of the best deals in town) or just BIG SURF (if you’re already on the list or don’t want to get an e-mail) in the subject line.  You’ll get one entry.

To win the Cinderella giveaway, e-mail me at with SUBSCRIBE/CINDERELLA (you’ll get an e-mail with all of the best deals in town) or just CINDERELLA (if you’re already on the list or don’t want to get an e-mail) in the subject line.  You’ll get one entry.

Each entry is assigned a number and picks the winners. They will be announced around 9 PM tonight!

Good luck!

Alicia :-)

Never miss a deal! “Like” Alicia’s Deals in AZ on Facebook at and get a daily Alicia’s Deals in AZ e-mail by sending a message to with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. Live life better for less!

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