Don’t Miss This! Get a Gorgeous Fab Kids Complete Outfit PLUS a Bonus Shirt for $25 SHIPPED! Don’t Know How Long This Will Still Be Going On!

If you haven’t had the chance to check out Fab Kids yet, I wanted to remind you about their awesome offer (I don’t know how long it will be around)! A few weeks ago, I told you about our fabulous experience with FabKids (you can click here to see my very thrilled daughter)! I have heard from so many readers excited about their beautiful, high quality outfits! They have really cute layering outfits for fall available. Click here to take a “style quiz” for the little girl in your life. They’ll recommend outfits based on her personal style preferences!

There really are outfits available for every girl…some with jackets, sweaters, cute vests, even metallic leggings!

I highly recommend going through all of the outfits to see what you like! This would make the BEST holiday and/or birthday gift too!

Right now you’ll also get a shining star tee (see above) ABSOLUTELY FREE with your order. Kaitlyn has one and it’s one of her favorite shirts. They are only doing this deal for a certain number of customers and when they’re gone, they’re gone.

A little bit more information:

“Why Sign Up Now? FabKids is so confident that you’ll love the clothes and the shopping experience that they are offering the first outfit for $25. This deal won’t last forever. At more than 60% off the retail value, it’s a steal. Love it – stay in the FabKids club to get playfully styled outfits year-round. Don’t love it – cancel anytime for any reason with absolutely no strings attached. No penalties. No problem.

Each month FabKids will suggest an outfit. These playfully styled outfits are only $39.95. It’s easy to accept the recommended outfit in a single click either via e-mail or on the site. You may also shop the collection to choose your own outfit, or simply skip the month. There is never an obligation to buy – you may “skip” as often as you’d like.

If you are not totally delighted with the FabKids experience you may cancel your membership at any time. No problem. We’re here to make shopping for your daughter fun, easy and affordable. Period.”

I can’t wait to hear what you think!

Alicia :-)

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