Load a Coupon for $2 off at Fry’s and Check Your Safeway Just 4 U Account to See if You Can Load a Free 2-Liter and $3 off a Hallmark Card!

If you have some Fry’s shopping to do, click here to load a coupon for $2 off your $40 order onto your VIP card. Two bucks is two bucks! I was talking to my niece’s girl scout troupe the other day and told them, if you save $2 a day, that’s $730 at the end of the year! Significant savings. 🙂

Log into the Safeway Just 4 U coupon center to see if you have a coupon for a free 2-liter of 7-Up Ten, Sunkist Ten, or Canada Dry Ten.

In my personalized deals section I also have a $3 off any Hallmark Signature Collection Greeting Card (excluding the $.99 cards). I hope you do too… could be a free or much less expensive Valentine!

Thanks Bargain Believer!


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