If you have a Kohl’s charge it’s an excellent time to shop! Head over here and use code LOVE30 to get 30% off your entire Kohl’s purchase (some exclusions apply) and code SHIPFEB to get free shipping on any size order. Keep in mind that you can combine up to four codes together on the same item to maximize your savings! If you don’t have a Kohl’s charge, use code BIGSAVINGS to take 15% off your order or 20% off your order of $100+ (not good with code LOVE30). Plus everyone will earn $10 Kohl’s cash for every $50 you spend!
You’ll also get $10 off your $50 home purchase with code HOME10 (use along with codes LOVE30 and SHIPFEB).
This deal has my heart fluttering! Head over here to get a 3 quart Instant Pot for $79.99. Use codes LOVE30 (with your Kohl’s charge) and HOME10 to get the price down to $48.99. They offered me an extra $5 Kohl’s cash for picking it up at my Kohl’s or you can have it shipped free with your card with code SHIPFEB. PLUS you’ll earn $10 Kohl’s cash even though you spent $48.99 (check out what they say in their Kohl’s cash FAQs):
“If you make a purchase within $2 of the Kohl’s Cash earned criteria, you will receive Kohl’s Cash. For example, if you place an order of $48, we’ll round that purchase up to $50 and give you $10 Kohl’s Cash.”
So I’m getting an Instant Pot for $48.99 AND I’m earning $15 Kohl’s cash since I’ll pick it up in store! AWESOME!