Do you have any idea what your credit score is? Head over here to find out FOR FREE from Credit Sesame (no credit card required). I’ve been using them for years to keep tabs on my number (I just checked mine again). It’s a good idea to keep tabs on that number and I check mine once a quarter. It’s funny, when the seasonal Target Beauty Boxes come out it reminds me to check my score. Whatever works right?!
“Stay on top of your credit
Our free membership offers monthly credit score updates. Your credit score is an important measure of your creditworthiness. Credit card companies, lenders, banks, landlords, and employers use this to help determine what terms they will offer you. Our 1 Bureau score comes from TransUnion.
Receive credit monitoring alerts
Our daily credit monitoring will alert you to important changes on your credit report, and provide analysis of your credit and financial situation. Our 1 Bureau daily credit monitoring covers TransUnion alerts.”
Keep that number high!