You won’t want to head to the grocery store without this list of the best deals! Check your favorite store, visit a few for the best deals, or ad-match at Walmart. Your choice! I heard a great quote, if you keep good food in your refrigerator (and pantry), you’ll eat good food! Let’s all eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies this week!
Be sure to click here to get to and print off any printables you think you’ll use! This week you can save big at Fry’s and Safeway as all manufacturer’s coupons are worth at least $1 this week! Save $.55 off Milano Slices cookies (these look GREAT), $.40 off Frigo Cheeseheads sticks, $.75 off Renuzit Tempting Indulgences adjustable air freshener, $.55 off Cottonelle bathroom tissue, $1 off Special K, $.75 off Baileys coffee creamer, $1 off Ballpark franks, $1 off Legg’s Run Resistant ultra sheers, $1 off White Cloud, $1 off Angel Soft, $.55 off Claussen pickles, and more!
Click here to enjoy $1.50 off three bags of Nestle candy (9.2-12.8 oz.) or three bags of Wonka candy.
Click here to upload coupons from Savings Star directly onto your Albertsons, CVS, Bashas’, and Fry’s cards! There is no clipping required, the savings come off automatically with your card!
For detailed coupon match ups, check out another great Arizona blog Bargain Believer (, click here for the facebook page) that could save you a lot of money at the grocery store. You’ll be able to make and print off your list right on the site.
My favorite deals this week:
Don’t forget to wear your Cardinals jersey on Sunday (or game day) during the regular season to save 10% off your entire purchase!
Boneless, skinless chicken breasts: $1.67/lb.
Whole body chicken: $.67/lb.
Russet potatoes: $1.77/10 pound bag
Wild Johnstone Straits Keta Salmon fillets: $4.99/lb.
Coke 12-packs: 4 for $10
Albertsons large AA eggs: $.99/dozen
Blue Bell Ice Cream: $3.99/half gallon
Doritos: Buy one get one free
Honeycrisp apples: $2.99/lb.
There’s an in-store Halloween party on Saturday, October 27th from 10-2…trick-or-treating throughout the store, free cookies and apple cider, and you can decorate a Halloween cake for $5.
Fresh ground sirloin: $2.99/lb.
Strawberries: $.97/16 oz. container
Coke 12-packs: 4 for $10 (minimum $25 purchase)
Gala, red delicious, granny smith, or fuji apples: $.75/lb.
Bailey’s coffee creamer: $1.39 (use this coupon to make it $.75 less)!!!!!
Honey crisp apples: $1.99/lb.
Locally grown small pumpkins: $2.99 or large pumpkins $4.99
fresh & easy:
All fresh & easy pies: $1 off
Broccoli florets 12 oz. bag: $.98
Boneless beef chuck roast: $2.49/lb.
Lunchables: Buy one get one free
Fry’s milk: $1.67/gallon
Kroger frozen grade A turkey: $.79/lb. (they will match prices on other grade A turkeys)
Boneless, skinless chicken breasts: $1.88/lb.
Tombstone pizza: 4 for $10
Lean Cuisine: $2 each when you buy 6
Red seedless grapes: $.88/lb.
Bartlett pears: $.88/lb.
Mini peeled carrots: $.88/16 oz. bag
Don’t forget to sign up for the Just4U program and get the App if you haven’t already. It makes shopping so much more fun (and less expensive)!
Jennie-O Lean ground turkey: $2.79/lb.
Pristine seedless grapes: $1.28/lb.
Hershey’s snack size bags: $2 each when you buy 4
Kellogg’s Raisin Bran: $1.99/box
Coke 12-packs: Buy 2 get 2 free AND get a free bag of Oreos
Swanson broth: Buy 1 get 1 free
Organic sugar pie pumpkins: $.99/lb.
Don’t forget that Wednesday is double ad day. Enjoy the savings from TWO weeks of ads!
The Gluten Free Jubliee is going on through October 24th! Enjoy 25% off 2000 gluten free products.
Blackberries: $.88/6 oz. container
Asparagus: $1.88/lb.
Acorn, butternut, or spaghetti squash: $.88/lb.
All natural boneless, skinless chicken breasts: $1.99/lb.
Organic honeycrisp apples: $1.99/lb.
Enjoy your week!
Never miss a deal! “Like” Alicia’s Deals in AZ on Facebook at and get a daily Alicia’s Deals in AZ e-mail by sending a message to with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. Live life better for less!