HOT HOT HOT! Great Deals on Hasbro Games (As Low as $1) Plus a Rebate Plus a Gift Card!

It’s a GREAT time to buy games (which I think make some of the best holiday gifts)! Click here to see the deals going on at Toys r Us. Games are priced at $1 (how crazy is that?!), $5, $10, $15, and $20.

Then, if you spend $35 or more on games, you’ll get a free $10 gift card in store, spend $50, you’ll get a $15 gift card.

Snag the rebate (find it here) on select games, and you’ll get $5 back when you buy 2, $10 back when you buy 4, etc.

I’m going to have to get down there and snag a few (we could use a new Scrabble)!

Thanks Bargain Believer!

Alicia :-)

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