It’s a GIVEAWAY!!! Win $30 to Spend at an Adorable AZ Boutique!

So excited about this giveaway! Long time Alicia’s Deals in AZ reader Jaime Bilkre (owner of A Pocket Full of Sunshine Boutique) wants to give one lucky reader $30 a gift certificate her store (where nothing is over $20)!

Here’s how to enter:

Click here to check out her store, then come back and leave a comment (on my blog or my facebook page) about what your favorite item is (I love the legwarmers)!

You can check out her facebook page here and tell her you came from Alicia’s Deals in AZ!

“Like” this post on facebook for an extra entry!

Even better, Jaime has offered to give all Alicia’s Deals in AZ readers 15% off with code alicia. Fun!

Good luck and have fun looking!

Alicia :-)

Please vote for Alicia in the Cheap Sally Bring Home the Bacon Contest at …only takes a second and you can vote every day. THANK YOU!

Never miss a deal! “Like” Alicia’s Deals in AZ on Facebook at and get a daily Alicia’s Deals in AZ e-mail by sending a message to with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. Live life better for less!

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