52% off Invisalign! Straighten Your Teeth for a lot Less!


I had such a great response to the Invisalign deal last time Groupon ran it, I had to let you know that it’s back with Dr. Ginger Price. Click here to get a complete Invisalign treatment including exam, x-rays, impressions, and follow up visits for $2,599 (a $5,435 value).  If you turn out not to be a good Invisalign candidate, your money will be refunded. While still expensive, this deal will save you thousands and your straight teeth will make you feel like a million bucks. 🙂

Dr. Ginger Price is located at 4020 North 24th Street, Suite 120 in Phoenix. Her phone number is (602) 468-1135 if you have any questions.

Alicia :-)

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